Sinulog Festival in Cebu

Sinulog Festival Cebu, Philippines
Sinulog is an anual festival at the third weekend in January. This festival in Cebu City takes place to honor the Santo Niño, or the child Jesus, who used to be the patron saint of the whole province of Cebu.
The highlight is the colorful street parade on Sunday. The participants with splendid costumes dance to the rhythm of drums, trumpets, and native gongs. Smaller versions of the festival are also held in various parts of the province, also to celebrate and honor the Santo Niño.
At the end of the street parade, the participating groups get into the Cebu Sports Complex. Inside the stadium, they tell stories with their dances on stage, where of course is the focus of Santo Niño. In the night there is a big fireworks. The best groups will be awarded.
More about the Sinulog Festival one can find here:
Official Website Sinulog
About Sinulog (Wikipedia)
Nice Sinulog Photos
Another Sinulog-Website
Tags: Cebu, Philippines, Sinulog