Archive for January, 2011
Link Directory for WordPress
Monday, January 31st, 2011WordPress offers the possibility to save links and sort by category. These links can be shown at the blog using widgets. For most blogs, however, after a time it will more and more links one like to save permanently and use for future reference. From a certain number, however, many links remain in secret, if one uses the widget display only.
Link Library is a plugin for WordPress, which helps to display the collected links in a link directory. The plugin offers a number of administrative tools, to determine content and appearance of the directory. The link directory in this Weblog has been created with the plugin.
It is also possible to let visitors of the blog enter link suggestions through the plugin if one wish for.
Do you like to use this plugin on your blog? It’s easy:
- Download the latest version
- Unzip the package
- Upload the files via FTP to the plugin directory
- Activate the plugin in the admin panel of the blog
- Do the settings in the admin area of Link Library
- Create a new page and insert the short codes of your Link Library
Examples of using the plugin and also help you find at the author’s website Yannick Lefebvre
Trackback – What is it?
Friday, January 28th, 2011The world of the bloggers is big. There are many weblogs for all topics: private, hobby and business. There we have for example Maria. Her hobby is cooking, and so it’s all about in her blog around this topic. Every day she publish a new tip for the kitchen and lots of her own recipes. Maria also has many fans who visit her blog. Often, they also leave comments. This possibility can be found at the end of each article. So once you have read a post and would like to praise it, leave suggestions or critics, just type name, e-mail address (if you have a home page or a blog, the URL) and the comment in the provided form at the end of article and then click “Send”.
Today, Maria has tried a new pizza recipe and of course, immediately published an article on her blog. Peter has his own pizzeria. He finds the new pizza creation of Maria on their blog and tried it out hisself. Peter then writes an article in his blog about Pizza and offers suggestions on how this new pizza can be even more delicious. It has links in his article to that of Maria, because there he had found the new recipe.
In order to let Maria know and her blog readers too that he has tips for the refinement of the pizza on his blog, Peter set a trackback. Peter goes to the article on Maria’s blog and find there a trackback link. He copy this link and goes back to the draft article on his blog. Before he published the article, he adds the trackback in the “Send trackbacks to” field.
Then Peter publish his article. Automatically appears below the post on Mary’s blog a comment with the link to Peter’s blog. Now Mary and her visitors see that there are tips on refining the recipe at Peter’s blog.
Instead of a comment below a post on another blog one write an article on its own block and then set a Trackback to
- to publish own opinions on the topic or/and
- to offer own tips or more information
A nice trackback tutorial can be found at optiniche
Some bloggers try to get many trackbacks, because maybe they show paid advertising on their blogs. They hope to gain many new visitors in return of many trackbacks and so to make more money.
Therefore, they share trackbacks on articles that do not fit the theme and alson not include a link to the article. This method is called “Trackback Spam “. But one do not face this spam helpless. A useful guide to protect a blog from unwanted trackback spam, can be found at Dragon Blogger
Note: Trackbacks can be sent only if it is a related article and a link to the original article is included, otherwise one is an unwanted spammer.
Sinulog 2011: And the winners are …
Tuesday, January 18th, 2011
The winners of Sinulog 2011 was awarded. A complete list of the winners within the different categories is to find here:
Sinulog 2011 Winners (SunStar Cebu)
151 contingents to compete in today’s Sinulog grand parade
Sunday, January 16th, 2011“Pray to the Sto. Niño that it will not rain,” said Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama, as heavy rains drenched the city on the eve of its fiesta and the Sinulog grand parade. But rain or shine, consider everything an offering to the Sto. Niño, he said.
“Expect a lot of fascination and excitement,” he added.
As of Saturday morning, the organizers were putting the finishing touches on the Sinulog stage, which will showcase a Chinese garden and a Chinese temple, in keeping with this year’s theme.
The organizers appealed to the public to be patient with the traffic jams and the tighter security in place for President Benigno Aquino III’s visit. President Aquino is expected at the Cebu City Sports Center at 10 a.m. in time for the opening of the Sinulog grand parade. He is also set to deliver a speech.
Fiesta crowds were advised to brace for a longer parade since the number of contingents has increased by 10. There are at least 151 contingents who will be competing for the top purse Sunday in the different categories. At least P4 million in total cash prizes are at stake today, Sunday. All the winning contingents will perform again in Monday’s awarding ceremony, still at the Sports Center.
Sinulog Festival in Cebu
Saturday, January 15th, 2011
Sinulog Festival Cebu, Philippines
Sinulog is an anual festival at the third weekend in January. This festival in Cebu City takes place to honor the Santo Niño, or the child Jesus, who used to be the patron saint of the whole province of Cebu.
The highlight is the colorful street parade on Sunday. The participants with splendid costumes dance to the rhythm of drums, trumpets, and native gongs. Smaller versions of the festival are also held in various parts of the province, also to celebrate and honor the Santo Niño.
At the end of the street parade, the participating groups get into the Cebu Sports Complex. Inside the stadium, they tell stories with their dances on stage, where of course is the focus of Santo Niño. In the night there is a big fireworks. The best groups will be awarded.
More about the Sinulog Festival one can find here:
Official Website Sinulog
About Sinulog (Wikipedia)
Nice Sinulog Photos
Another Sinulog-Website